Statement of Faith
Our faith is the substance (Heb.11:1) and expression of our love, commitment and service to Jesus Christ. We confess that our salvation (Eph.2:8) is by grace through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ, and that continuing relationship with Christ by the Holy Spirit (acts.1:4,8) is necessary. We believe that we have had a spiritual rebirth(Jh.3:7), wherein the Holy Spirit set us free from our natural man(Gal.2:20,I.Cor.2:14), and made us spiritually alive.
We believe that Christ has called us to be His church, and to participate with Him serving His great mission (Matt.28:18-20) of making disciples, who come to the full measure of Him (Eph.4:11-12). We therefore intend to love what Christ loves to the degree He loves what He loves, He loves His church with all its differences and weaknesses, so we will love His church wherever and whatever its condition and need. We are dependent on the Holy Spirit to give us life (Jh.6:63),empower us for ministry (Acts 1:8) and equip us with ministry gifts (Eph.4:11-12, I.Cor. 12) so that the Kingdom of God is (Matt.6:33, Lk.10)) is made manifest.
For AMI we require that our faith does not rest on the wisdom (I.Cor.1:25) of mere men, or their charismatic personalities but the power of God manifest from humble men who have found the power of Christ superior to themselves and need nothing more. May our faith be validated by the signs and wonders (Mk.16:17) that follow the ministry of AMI and all who are affiliated.