Greetings, AMI supporters!
I hope you are having an enjoyable summer and finding some time for a vacation.
The summer season is an expensive time to travel, but here at AMI, we use this time to work on our ministry plans for the remainder of the year. With many exciting plans in the works, I want to share with you what will be happening in AMI starting in September.
Northern Ireland
In September, I will travel to Northern Ireland and visit our AMI church plant, Destination Church Belfast (DCB). While there, I will have the privilege to teach on spiritual renewal in several church services. These meetings always prove to be a refreshing time together. As you know, one of our greatest values is to bring Holy Spirit renewal to DCB and to the church at large in Northern Ireland.
Following our time in Northern Ireland, we will travel to Italy, where there are several Romanian churches that have invited AMI to visit.
Isn’t that interesting, going to Italy to bring renewal to the Romanian churches? The Lord truly knows and always leads us to those who need the ministry of AMI. I have learned that following John 5:19 which directs us to “do what the Father is doing” is the key to successful ministry that results in making Jesus known by the Holy Spirit.
Veracruz and Cuba
This fall, Pastor Miguel Gomez, with our affiliate church in Veracruz, will minister in Cuba to our potential group of churches there.
In October, I will travel to Veracruz with a small team, to minister at the Annual
Leadership Summit at Compassion Church. Following the summit, we will travel to Cuba to minister to our group of churches once again. The pastors in Cuba are very motivated and are desperate for our presence and impartation to them. Our hope and goal is to make a great spiritual investment there in 2017.
Pastor David Chillyumba and I have recently been able to begin a weekly meeting via Skype. David was able to get an internet connection and what a great difference it makes to see and hear one another. Yes, Lord!
I do plan to visit David and his church in Swaziland in November. David pastors a church that is a year and a half old, and it is flourishing! Just recently they have added a second Sunday service.
I am very encouraged with the great opportunities that are before us, as this fall should prove to be profoundly fruitful. Please pray that all of our upcoming plans come together and result in God’s best through the efforts of AMI.
Thank you for your kind support and may the Lord’s best be yours.
Blessings and thanks,
Dr. Dennis Bourns
International Director AMI
Please do not post or re-communicate details of this communiqué on any websites or blog sites.
Greetings from AMI Ireland!
As we move into our summer months, the regular activities of Destination Church Belfast [DCB], other than our Sunday morning service, have ceased in order that we can all rest and be refreshed.
Our prayers, like all prayers for church plants, are to gather and grow. Numerically this has been slow, and although our prayers have not yet been answered in terms of quantity, they have been answered in terms of quality, over and beyond our expectations!
The vision of DCB is “to prioritise God’s presence as a community known for His love, reproducing disciples of Jesus who manifest Holy Spirit power here, near and far.”
- We have experienced His presence consistently as we have gathered each Sunday and met in our Small Groups, sometimes quite profoundly.
- We are growing a community of love where people are finding acceptance in a deepening culture of grace and truth.
- We have delivered message series and discipleship classes on worship, worldview, controlling our thought life, and reaching out to others from who we are in Christ and what He has done for us.
There is quality fruit of lives set free, relationships being restored, lives more in love with Jesus and becoming more Christlike, and a confidence and willingness to share that good news with those they encounter. It is truly thrilling, humbling and precious to see!
In contrast to the activity within DCB, the ministry activity of AMI Ireland has been less in the first half of this year. At the end of April we hosted an evening of worship and ministry, Wes Grierson’s band ”the Remnant” leading worship and Dennis leading ministry. We worshipped with life, passion and expression, and the Holy Spirit came and ministered, particularly in the area of freedom from past hurts and history. Many were deeply impacted, encouraged and renewed.
We are planning more events in the second half of the year, both when Dennis comes over and inclusive of a re-engineering of our monthly intern meetings. These interns meetings will no longer be restricted to participating interns or those interested in joining the programme, but be open to the wider body of Christ.This will enable people to attend who would not be willing to commit to the intern programme, but who hunger and thirst for a safe environment that prioritises Holy Spirit activity and brings discipleship and renewal.
Our vision is that these events will create a context for our interns to minister, a platform for AMI Ireland’s values, practices and priorities, and a pipeline for recruiting further interns to our programme. Please pray that these plans will stir up Holy Spirit activity and ongoing reality of God’s presence in this land.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer and financial support.
Andrew Montgomery
(Director AMI Ireland)