Staff and Representatives of AMI
Dr. Dennis Bourns

Dennis has been in ministry over 40 years, ministered in 52 countries, Dennis is committed to empowered disciple making, as a spiritual father investing in spiritual sons. He speaks and ministers with authority and manifestation of the Spirit.
Apostle Andrew Montgomery

The Spirit revealed and appointed Andrew to seek and connect with apostle Dennis Bourns in 2003. Andrew went on a ministry trip with Dennis in 2003 to Africa, had a spiritual life changing experience, resulting in ministering in 23 countries. He has developed in prophetic and apostolic ministry, become director of AMI Ireland, become part of a church planting team. Started the AMI intern-program in Northern Ireland, which has raised up many who can manifest the power of the Spirit.
Miguel Gomez

Dennis at that time prophesy to Miguel that he was to go home to Vera Cruz and plant a church, Miguel received that prophetic word, planted Compassion Church in 2006, which is a flourishing church today. Miguel is a gifted leader with many abilities including an apostolic calling that is obviously producing apostolic fruit.
Pastor David Chillyumba

David is well known throughout Africa, as he has had a television ministry broadcast that has gone out to millions of viewers enriching their faith. David is a gifted preacher and communicator, with an apostolic heart.