Northern Ireland
AMI- Ireland
Is a ministry that is assoicated with AMI – Acts Ministries International, which is based in the USA.
The purpose of AMI – Ireland is to extend the kingdom of God by; disciplship that results in spiritual growth in keeping with the purposes of Eph.4:11-13. It is also the ministry of AMI to stir up Holy Spirit activity that renews the church.
AMI-Ireland Intern Programme
Purpose: to equip participants in personal spiritual development and spiritual gift function. This programme also produces leadership development and ministry skill development via training and experience.
The programme consists of;
- Twelve month program
- Assessment application
- Personalized study and training customized to each intern.
- Study by books, syllabus and audio’s
- Monthly meetings one on one with trainer – Andrew
- Monthly intern group meetings
- Ministry experiences, in AMI ministry settings, local and trans-local
- Cost; monthly contribution to AMI, study materials extra.(contact Andrew for more info)
Ministry Availability
Andrew and the AMI team are available to minister at your church or other type of Christian meeting. Please contact Andrew for any request.
Phone: +44 (0)28 97561355
Email: [email protected]

Apostle Andrew Montgomery
Founder / Director AMI Ireland
Andrew and his wife Hilary live in Belfast, Northern Ireland, they have two married children, and two baby grandsons. Andrew is also associate pastor on the leadership team of Destination Church Belfast.
The Spirit revealed and appointed Andrew to seek and connect with apostle Dennis Bourns in 2003. Andrew went on a ministry trip with Dennis in 2003 to Africa, had a spiritual life changing experience, resulting in ministering in 23 countries. He has developed in prophetic and apostolic ministry, become director of AMI Ireland, become part of a church planting team. Started the AMI intern-program in Northern Ireland, which has raised up many who can manifest the power of the Spirit.